Ukraine - Local Healthcare

Primary Healthcare

Except in emergencies a guest in Lymm will need to be registered with a General Practice doctor (GP) in order to get treatment. Doctors work for the NHS and their services are free to every UK resident.  If you need to register a guest with a GP, this leaflet is helpful, and may aid registration.

There are two GP surgeries in Lymm:

Brookfield Surgery tel. 01925 75 6969

Lakeside Surgery tel. 01925 75 5050



Almost all dentistry and osteopath, podiatrist and physiotherapist services are privately operated and therefore charge fees. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single dentist taking on new NHS patients in Warrington. It's suggested hosts speak to their own dentists and see if they can take their guests on.

For emergency out of hours dental treatment the process is set out here:


Eye Tests

If your Guest needs an eye test, this guidance might be useful:
NHS England - Cheshire & Merseyside has confirmed the process for providing General Ophthalmic services sight tests (GOS) to individuals and families arriving in the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme and the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine). Refugees resettling in the UK are entitled to free NHS care and are usually issued with HC2 certificates (confirming eligibility for full help with health costs) within two weeks of arrival.

If you go for an eye test, you can provide the person carrying out the test with the following information to make the process easier:

“If a patient attends an optometry practice without their HC2 certificate, they are still eligible for a GOS sight test.
The advice to optometrists is to complete a GOS form as standard, using the bridging hotel/temporary address as the patient’s address.
‘Universal credit’ should be selected as the eligibility criteria, with the ‘evidence not seen’ box ticked.
We advise optometrists to make a note on the patient’s record that the eligibility criteria has been recorded in accordance with local area team guidance on submitting GOS claims for Ukraine refugees”

2 years 10 months ago