Manchester Ship Canal Act 1885

Manchester Ship Canal Act 1885

Relevant sections of this act (or descriptions of a section) are transcribed below. Whilst efforts have been made to avoid errors, it's possible some have been made (the copies of the Act available are fairly poor reproductions).

A copy of the Manchester Ship Canal Act 1885 is available here. This section should be read alongside a copy of the Act.

Where possible, capitalisation, italicisation, grammar and punctuation (or lack of) have been copied exactly.


Part IV Works

  1. 28 - Subject to the provisions of this Act the Company may in the lines and situations shown on the deposited plans and according to the levels shown on the deposited sections make and maintain the Canal Docks Railways and other works shown on the deposited plans among which are the following principal works and may enter upon take and use such of the lands delineated on the said plans and described in the books of reference as may be required for those purposes:- …

Number 35. - An opening bridge wholly in the township of Rixton-cum-Clazebrook in the said parish of Warrington with all necessary machinery and apparatus to carry the Rixton and Warburton Road over Work Number 3 commencing in the said road and terminating in that road at a point about two chains north-west of the point of commencement;

Number 36. - An opening bridge wholly in the said township of Latchford with all necessary machinery and apparatus to. Carry the road leading from Knutsford to Warrington over Work Number 2 commencing in that road and terminating in that road at a point about two chains north of the said point of commencement …

<these sections need to be read alongside the Manchester Ship Canal (Various Powers) Act 1890 to understand why an opening bridge was not built>


  1. 29 (2) And subject to the provisions of this Act and for the purpose of constructing the works by this Act authorized the Company may construct and maintain all cuts channels locks weirs dams basins reservoirs ponds trenches pounds graving docks lay-byes gates sluices culverts syphons by-passes arches bridges (fixed or opening) ferries sewers drains embankments towing paths walls jetties landing places dolphins moorings buoys beacons lights groynes quays wharves warehouses sheds buildings engines pumps machinery hydraulic and other lifts and cranes drops staithes tips railways tramways junctions sidings turntables signals roads approaches works and appliances which may be necessary or convenient for or incidental to the before -mentioned works or any of them and between Howley Weir in Warrington and Hunt's Bank aforesaid may remove alter raise or lower any cuts weirs banks drains sluices locks channels water-courses bridges arches culverts pipes sewers and drains and such other works as it may be necessary or convenient so to deal with in connection with and for the purposes of the works by this Act authorized and may between the commencement of Work Number 2 and the termination of Work Number 3 and as incidental to the works by this Act authorized alter vary and reconstruct all or any of the bridge over the Rivers Mersey and Irwell or either of them and substitute opening for fixed bridges and remove all bridges rendered unnecessary by reason of the construction of substituted bridges or ferries and the Company and the Authority in whom such any bridge is vested or who is liable for the repairs thereof may enter into and fulfil contracts for or in relation to the construction maintenance or repair thereof Provided always that the Company shall do as little damage as can be and shall make full compensation to all persons interested for all damage sustained by them by the execution of such works.

(ending p.37)

2 years 10 months ago