Trans Pennine Trail


Trans Pennine Trail, Lymm

01925 758195 / 01925 442495

Multiple places to get on and off - this is not an exhaustive list:

Star lane crossing

Statham Ranger Station car park (Statham avenue)

Lymmhay lane (Sow Brook playing fields car park and closest access to Lymm village centre)

Reddish Crescent (close to Sainsburys supermarket)

Birchbrook road crossing

Chaise Meadow crossing

Mill lane crossing


Further information

WBC have as at 1st June 2022 completed surface improvements the Whitbarrow Road to Reddish Crescent sections of the Trans Pennine Trail through Lymm - some details of completed & planned works are here: (the page is updated infrequently, so some sections are out of date).

The new surfaces has been finished using 'flexipave' - a recycled, permeable 'soft' surface, that is suitable for mixed use (walkers, cyclists, horse riders etc) in preference to tarmac. This appears to be the first time WBC have used this material, and appears to be a direct result of the feedback WBC received from the Lymm TPT consultation.

There have been improvements to the barriers in the upgraded sections, making these sections ofthe trail more accessible to wheelchairs, mobility scooters etc. and cyclists (with wide handlebars). There are still several TPT sections with the older "A frame" barriers that should be replaced as funding permits - please politely as the WBC Active Travel team (email address) for plans (copy Lymm Parish Council if possible).

Trans Pennine Trail (TPT), Lymm

This trail cuts through Lymm roughly east - west, approximately parallel with the Bridgewater canal. The Trans Pennine Trail (TPT for short) follows the path of an old goods railway line that was decommissioned in the late 1970's / early 1980's. The trail is a fantastic resource for Lymm, and can be busy at weekends and public holidays. The sections away from the village centre tend to be quieter.

The trail crosses the UK east - west.

  • To the West, locally from Lymm the trail heads through Thelwall, Latchford and Stockton Heath, then on towards Liverpool to the west of Lymm. The TPT has a short break in Thelwall where a disused railway bridge crosses the ship canal - there is a small adventure to be had crossing Latchford locks (extreme care with dogs & small children), else continue to the Latchford swing bridge & rejoin the trail just across the bridge.
  • To the east the trail heads through Dunham, Altrincham & on to Manchester to the east. Heading east the TPT can be used to cycle into Manchester City centre almost entirely off-road, by dropping onto the 'Bridgewater Way' - the widened section of the Bridgewater Canal towpath from Atlantic street, Altrincham.

There are leaflets showing the local sections available at the website

The TPT is popular with horse riders, dog walkers, families, cyclists - with mixed use please consider others - walkers can't hear cyclists approaching - a bell is really useful EVERY time you approach by cycle anyone who's not seen you.

The trail is well surfaced, but can be muddy during and after wet weather, the surface varies quite a lot along different sections. There are two sections that are notoriously bad

  1. to the west of Star lane, Statham where the trail passes beneath the A56 Camsley lane -used to be almost constantly flooded in winter / wetter weather. This was addressed via improved drainage installed in April 2021, and so far this seems to be working
  2. To the east of Lymm & past the Parish border close to the Carr Green lane gas plant - often flooded but does dry out. There are some engineered paths to avoid the worst of the floods, but these themselves flood after prolonged rain. There are options for avoiding some of the water if you are agile / ok to climb muddy banks but after wet periods it's wellies / good boots / cycles only for short sections.

Where the TPT crosses roads there are a variety of gates / obstacles intended to prevent motor vehicle access, these can inhibit mobility scooters, wheelchairs, wide bike handlebars and bike trailers. Some of these obstacles do get replaced (& should improve significantly with the planned improvements in early 2022), though it would be worth raising any issues with Warrington Borough Council via Lymm Parish Council.

Since summer 2021 there is a Coffee Van on the TPT at Statham (follow link for details)

The Warrington section of the Trans Pennine trail is maintained by Warrington Borough Council - day to day management is by the Warrington Ranger Service, contact Ranger Tim, via Lymm Parish Council or via the phone numbers above / at

The overall management of the Trans Pennine Trail through Lymm / Warrington falls under the responsibility of the Warrington Active Travel team - email:

The TPT heading to Statham from Thelwall:

2022 TPT Statham

Approaching Whitbarrow Road from Sow Brook:

2022.01 TPT Whitbarrow

TPT beneath the M6, raising more questions than are answered:

2021.04 TPT Blue Sign




1 year 10 months ago