

Police / Crime

Emergency (risk of harm, risk of damage to property, crime in progress, need immediate support) dial 999

Non-emergency - dial 101 or report online (opens Cheshire Police website)

Report anti-social behaviour to Warrington Borough Council (there are criteria for reporting via WBC, details via the link)


As well as a designated Police Constable (Andy Rowley, appointed to Lymm in the first half of 2022), Lymm has two Police Constable Support Officers (Phil Redshaw & Darren Dennis), funded via Cheshire Police and Lymm Parish Council. The PCSO's are the more visible face of Cheshire Police for Lymm, holding regular (roughly weekly) drop in surgeries - usually at the Youth & Community Centre off Henry Street. Notification of these surgeries tends to be a bit random, but are announced via Facebook, usually only at 24hrs notice. Lymm Police appear to have dropped their Twitter feed around mid-2022 - the Twitter feed was consolidated here

It is possible to contact the Lymm PCSO's via social media, but this is not reliable - if you need to contact them do so via 111 & request a call back.


Emergencies - dial 999

Non-emergency - dial 111 or use the 111 online website

Doctor Surgeries

Brookfield Surgery tel. 01925 75 6969

Lakeside Survey tel. 01925 75 5050


as well as the two pharmacies in the village, the NHS find a Pharmacy website allows you to search for local late night pharmacies & pharmacies that should be open now (you will need to enter your postcode and select suitable options)


Defibrillator locations (for information - if you need to use a public defibrillator, dial 999 now!) - Lymm Parish Council maintain a list of locationsHeartsafe (needs postcode) and a there an increasingly out of date list from Lymm Round Table

Power & Utilities


The electricity transmission and distribution for Lymm is managed by SP Energy Networks (link is to their postcode lookup for power cuts) - if you experience a power cut, these are the people who will restore power. Their website is typically updated quickly. If a powercut is affecting particularly vulnerable people, it's worth calling them.

SP Energy Networks can be contacted in the event of a power cut on 105 or on 0800 001 5400



Gas supplies are the responsibility of National Grid

To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency, or if a pipeline is struck (even if no gas leak has occurred) call 0800 111 999 - 24 hours a day.


Water & Flooding

Warrington Borough Council have a responsibility for local flood prevention and management. WBC maintain a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (due for review in 2023).

If property is at risk of flooding, then WBC are likely the best people to contact - via their main switchboard on 01925 443322 24 hrs a day. It may take time to get through, and be prepared to describe the location clearly (postcode, street name, map reference or what3words.com location should all be appropriate). It's worth asking for a reference.

During imminent flooding (e.g. when it is expected the river Bollin will flood due to heavy rain upstream), the Lymm Parish Councillors will typically help co-ordinate with residents.

Flooded roads are typically the responsibility of Warrington Borough Council (who are responsible for maintaining & clearing drainage gullies). All blocked gullies / flooded roads should be reported via the WBC main switchboard on 01925 443322 24 hrs a day, or via the WBC website if not urgent.

Bollin River level monitoring (at Bollington Mill, Dunham - indicative of flooding) - also check upstream

All issues relating to the Bridgewater canal:


You can get in touch with us in the following ways:

  1. By email to – bridgewatercanal@peel.co.uk
  2. Telephone – 0161 629 8432 between 2pm and 4pm Monday to Friday.
  3. Emergency Telephone – out of office hours 0161 855 6400

United Utilities

Issues with mains water (colour, smell, low pressure etc), leaking water mains (typically lots of fresh water exiting the ground), leaking sewage off private property or blocked sewers should be reported to United Utilities - their emergency telephone number is  0345 672 3723 (24 hrs)

United Utilities are not responsible for gullies (e.g. road grids), but ARE responsible for the pipes (sewers) that gullies are connected to.


1 month 2 weeks ago