
The current WBC planning portal went live in June 2022 and is located here:

and should now ALWAYS be used as the source for information on planning applications.

This page covers planning applications submitted after 01/01/2025, for earlier planning application see or search this site for street name etc.

  • This ( page is typically updated over each weekend to add applications registered during the preceding week - the latest updates will be made at the top of the table below.
  • 'Week ending' refers to the date range shown at the WBC link above (& may be +/- one week)
  • The 'Added' column shows the date a particular planning line was added to this page, so where the dates are different, this line was not available on the WBC site at the first time of checking.
  • WBC add 'applications received' to their website into the following week and sometimes later; any such additions will not show in the list below until the following weekend, e.g. a week after the 'week ending' date shown.

Lymm Parish Council Planning Committee minutes & agendas are here


Application no. Address Summary Week ending Added (to this page) Consultation end date
2025/00022/FUL Dentalcare, 152 Rushgreen Road, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 9QW Proposed change of use of rear first floor room for an additional surgery for the existing dentist and an increase in the hours of operation and the number of practitioners 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 21/02/2025
2025/00081/TPO 62 Higher Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0BG Remedial works to trees x 2 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 21/02/2025
2024/01499/FULH 6 Birchbrook Road, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 9RX Demolition of existing side extension/ conservatory, Demolition of existing covered external dining area, remodelling of existing rear single storey extension, Erection of single and two-storey rear extension including terrace, Erection of single storey side extension,  Repair and remodelling of existing outbuildings and Erection of new garage/ carport/ garden store 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 14/02/2025
2025/00093/FULH 2 Limefield Avenue, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0QB Single storey extension to side to replace conservatory 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 20/02/2025
2025/00079/NMA Greygarth The Avenue, Lymm, WA13 0SU Non-material amendment to planning permission  2023/01039/FUL  to allow for  modifications to the external building including 1. the fenestration style 2. balcony handrails 3.reduction of size to the external canopy. 4. Two air vents are added to the connection between the main dwelling and the outhouse that supplies essential ventilation to the dwelling. 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 20/02/2025
2025/00070/FULH 24 Rose Bank, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0JH Single story front and rear extension and 2 story side extension 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 17/02/2025
025/00061/DISCON The Barn, 1, Agden Bridge Farm Spring Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 9JT Proposed discharge of condition 3 (Construction Method Statement) on previously approved application 2021/40554 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 17/02/2025
2025/00046/FULH 29 Egerton Road, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0PA Proposed single storey side and rear extensions, loft conversion including hip to gable extension and rear dormer extension 25/01/2025 01/02/2025 11/02/2025


Application no. Address Summary Week ending Added (to this page) Consultation end date
2024/01450/AGR Land To The South Of, Warrington, WA13 0SW Agricultural storage building 18/01/2025 18/01/2025 26/12/2024
2025/00025/FULH 34 Orchard Avenue, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0JX Single storey extension to side and rear and porch to front 18/01/2025 18/01/2025 06/02/2025



Application no. Address Summary Week ending Added (to this page) Consultation end date
2024/01530/DISCON 119 Higher Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0BU Discharge of Condition No's 4 (Contaminated Land),  5 (CHEMP), 6 (Drainage Scheme) and 9 (Landscaping Scheme) attached to planning permission 2024/01120/VARC 11/01/2025 12/01/2025 30/01/2025
2024/01589/DISCON New House Farm Reddish Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 9PY Discharge of Conditions 4(Bat License), 5(Tree Protection), 12(Cycle Parking) on previous application 2024/00240 (Conversion to dwelling) 11/01/2025 12/01/2025 28/01/2025
2024/01582/DISCON 14 Higher Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0AP Discharge of condition number 5 (Parking area materials) and 6(Surface water drainage) on application 2023/00165/FULH (Two storey side extension) 11/01/2025 12/01/2025 28/01/2025
2024/01607/FULH 3 The Hatchings, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0LD First floor extension to bathroom 11/01/2025 12/01/2025 30/01/2025


Application no. Address Summary Week ending Added (to this page) Consultation end date
2024/01547/FULH 35 Higher Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Lymm, WA13 0BA Loft Conversion / Rear Dormer Extension - Proposed works include removal of the current hipped roof and build up the gable end walls to provide a standard pitched roof along with a new dormer to the rear roof pitch to create the space to allow the roof space to become useable area. 2 new velux windows are to be added to the front elevation. 21/12/2024 30/12/2024 06/01/2025


1 week ago