The Rixton and Warburton Bridge Amendment Act 1867

The Rixton and Warburton Bridge Amendment Act 1867

Relevant sections of this act (or descriptions of a section) are transcribed below. Whilst efforts have been made to avoid errors, it's possible some have been made (the copies of the Act available are fairly poor reproductions).

In short, this Act does not appear to significantly amend the rights & obligations granted by the 1863 Act in any meaningful way in the present day. This Act confirms that the Rixton and Warburton Bridge over the river Mersey and approach roads were built & operational, with the toll being charged by 31st May 1867 and the undertaking was 'over budget', but it was anticipated that the return on investment (toll takings against borrowings and investments) was still profitable.


A copy of the Rixton and Warburton Bridge Amendment Act 1867 is available here (0.3MB). This section should be read alongside a copy of the Act.

An Act to enable the Rixton and Warburton Bridge Company to raise further Money, and to create Preference Shares; and for other Purposes


Whereas by "The Rixton and Warburton  Bridge Act, 1863," the Rixton and Warburton Bridge Company, in this Act called "the Company," were incorporated for the Purpose of making and maintaining a Bridge and Roads over the River Mersey, in the Townships of Rixton and Warburton, and the Company were thereby authorized to raise a Capital of Five thousand five hundred Pounds, to be divided into Eleven hundred Shares of Five Pounds each, and to borrow on Mortgage One thousand five hundred Pounds: And whereas all of the said Shares have been issued and more than One Half thereof has been paid up thereon, and One thousand five hundred Pounds have been borrowed on Mortgage under the Powers of the said Act: And whereas the Company have completed said Bridge and laid out the said Roads, but further Monies beyond those authorized to be raised are required to pay for the Works executed and to complete the same; and it is expedient that such Powers of raising further Monies as are by this Act provided should be granted to the Company: And whereas the Purposes aforesaid cannot be effected without the Authority of Parliament : May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:…


A.4 subject to controls, issue new shares of not less than five pounds each, to raise a further sum of money not exceeding the sum of Four thousand Pounds (in addition to earlier issues)


A. 8 authorises borrow on Mortgage further sums of money not exceeding One thousand Pounds (in addition to earlier borrowing) AFTER shares capital of £4k raised.


A. 12 All Monies raised under the Authority of this Act, whether by Shares or borrowing, shall be applied only to the Purposes of the Undertaking authorized by the recited Act.


A. 13 And whereas the Provisions of the said recited Act for preventing the User or Establishment of any Ford, Floating Bridge, or Ferry over the River Mersey within the Limits therein prescribed have been found inefficient for the Purposes therein contemplated, and it is expedient that further and better Provision carrying or ferrying any Person, Animal, or Carriage over, through, or across the River for Hire, or for the Purpose of evading the Toll, within a Mile measured from either Side of the Bridge, shall for every such Offence forfeit not exceeding Five Pounds.


This Act (e.g. Parliament) is prescriptive on what the Rixton and Warburton Bridge Company may raise as capital via either shares or borrowing - the limits specified in 1867 would be inadequate in the 21st Century for any meaningful maintenance.

3 years 3 months ago