Ukraine - Lymm & District Ukraine Group meetings

here's the video of the Lymm & District Ukraine Group meeting from Friday 25th March 2022:


The video is nearly 90 minutes long. Feel free to dip in & out using the notes and timings below:


Lisa Hughes – experiences of Ukraine from a business visitor’s perspective


Kristen Bender – guidance for families interested in sponsoring a family, advice on some of the issues, concerns, local support, practical advice on how the process is currently working. Visa application process.


Sue Davidson – Warburton (please note that this is just in Trafford!) mother and hopefully sponsor to a mother and daughter from Khardiv, Ukraine, discussing the experiences of the hosting process as at 25th March 2022


Graham Gowland, Lymm Parish and Warrington Borough Councillor, highlighting local council current position and support plans, and current processes (focussed on Warrington Borough Council)



Q1 – Visa applications where the Ukrainian in question has limited documentation due to circumstances – suggested that all Ukrainian people should have access to an online bill payments system – details to follow can be downloaded in English (which will aid the UK visa process), and should have proof of address. Details to be added to Lymm & District Ukraine Help Facebook Group.


Q2 – most Ukrainians have online bank statements, that can be downloaded in English.


Q3 – Highlighting the plans to check refugees with DBS style checks / safeguarding for hosts (though noted that most refugees are expected to be mothers with children. Highlighted that UK social services are expected to be involved.


Q4 - The question is from a host expecting a family of four coming via Dublin, where the family will split – how to apply for the visa(s), e.g. do both host households need to apply for separate visas?


Q5 – Sarah Rotchell – Lymm Baptist Church Children & Families worker, with contacts to families needing assistance just over the border in ****. Plans to aid Ukrainian families in & around Lymm.


Q6 – asks about getting DBS checks in advance (don’t bother), fingerprinting concerns (not thought to be a problem), travel passes, dedicated HMRC telephone number.

Part 2


Graham Gowland – WBC funding plans, formal & local support needs & plans.


Kirsty James, Lymm Sanctuary Hub, practical support, local donation hub


Caroline Barr – local primary school position, discussions and plans so far…


Kieran Walshe – LHS Governor – LHS position & plans


Sue Davidson – question about further education for Ukrainian refugees in the UK


Inna - Planned support for Ukrainian language learning for younger children

(apologies – Inna is off camera shot to avoid filming young children)


Lisa Glover – introduction & offer of help


Question about applying for secondary school place (answered by Kieran Walshe)


Question about hosting when only one single room is available, discussion about separating families / how to manage larger / extended families


question about longer term housing in & around Lymm


Question about translation services for hosting someone with complex medical needs and very limited English language skills (poor audio)

2 years 10 months ago