Ukraine - Therapy

Therapy Books for Children

Alicja Safarzyńska-Płatos is a psychologist who has created a kind of therapy books for children who come from Ukraine, but also for those who host them. The stories are free to download in several languages and you can print them at home. Illustration @Ksenia Potepa

Doxdirect are offering professionally printed 'My Emotions' Ukrainian activity book for children.


Advice on how to help post war children to recover from the trauma

Things best to avoid:
1.The children have witnessed tragedy and suffering which they wish to forget, so don't ask too many questions or ask for lots of detail.
2. Their personal space is very vulnerable right now. Therfore, don't try to cuddle , kiss or take pictures with them too much.
3. Loud noises that may sound like bombs or missiles may scare them, so don't buy any toys that may remind them of bombs or guns(fireworks,  balloons, etc), as it is not an appropriate time right now.
4. Don't console them too much, they are not "poor", they are strong, but need help to heal their wounds.

Things best to do:
1. Listen to them when they wish to tell you themselves and give them some of your time.
2. Help them get back to their normal routine; such as meals, activities and school time, which they had before the war. Also try to make sure they spend time which their peers in safe environment.
3.Try to create a safe and peaceful environment around them.
4.Make sure they get enough sleep, without loud alarms in the morning.

2 years 10 months ago