Ukraine - Children

Baby and Toddlers

Lymm has a number of baby and toddler playgroups most of which will waive any entrance fee for Ukrainian guests:

Monday (9.30-11.00am term time only) - Toddler Cafe and Group - Lymm URC Hall, Brookfield Road, Lymm, WA13 0QL

Tuesday (10.00am-11.30am term time only) - Incy Wincy Baby and Toddler group, Lymm Baptist Church, Higher Lane, Lymm, WA13 0AZ

Wednesday 10.30-11.45am (term time only) - St Peter's Church Hall, Stage Lane, Lymm, WA13 9JB. Tel. 01925 756507

Thursday (10.00-11.30am term time only) - Toddle Inn, Lymm Baptist Church, Higher Lane, Lymm, WA13 0AZ.


Preschool and Nursery

All parents of 3- and 4-year-olds can access 15 free hours of childcare per week. In addition, parents of 3- and 4-year-olds who work may be able to access an additional 15 hours of childcare, known as the ‘30 Hours’ entitlement.


Schools in Lymm

In England most children start school full-time in the September after their fourth birthday.

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a free school lunch

Lymm Schools

It is necessary to apply for a school place using the Warrington School Applications process

Help is available - the Lymm Support Groups will assist with applications especially to join primary (under 11) schools before the end of the school year in July.

General Government guidance for families arriving from Ukraine applying for a school place and childcare is available here:


Children & Youth Groups which will waive any entrance fee for Ukrainian guests

iD Youth Club - Fortnightly Thursday’s 7.30-9pm, hosted at Lymm Baptist Church, for secondary age children (11+) with Pool, Table Tennis, Gaming, Chat, Tuck Shop

AFK -  Fortnightly Mondays 6-7:30, hosted at Lymm Baptist Church, for children age 7-11 with games, craft, snacks and fun

Hillcliffe Baptist Church - Every Thursday night during term time, hosted at Hillcliffe Baptist Church, Red Lane in Appleton Warrington (WA4 5AL), drop off is between 7-7.15pm and collection is at 8.30pm. Youth Group for year 6 (aged 10) to year 9 (aged 14), with around 40 young people with a sweet shop, various games and a Christian based short talk each week and one trip out a term details of these are given in advance. You don’t need to be a Christian to attend. Contact John Harper on 07840456564 or email


Childrens Clothes & Toys

There is a 'free shop' with a supply of clothes, toiletries, school uniforms at the Saturday morning event at Lymm Baptist Church, see

The lovely clothing store Mini Boden will provide Mini Boden clothes for refugee children aged 12 and under.

2 years 9 months ago