Lymm Coronavirus rates and information

Covid-19 example status for Lymm

This page tracks the Covid statistics for Lymm and the local hospital - Warrington General Hospital - using publicly available data.

The links below provide local information for Lymm and surrounding areas. Numbers 1-3 are probably most useful for getting a view on the latest position in & around Lymm, the other links provide further information, collated details etc. 

Lymm, in the borough of Warrington neighbours both Trafford (Greater Manchester) via Warburton and Altrincham as well as the borough of Cheshire East via High Legh & Little Bollington.

  1. Warrington Borough Council Covid-19 dashboard (updated Mon-Fri)
  2. Warrington & Halton NHS trust Covid-19 status (updated Mon-Fri) - Webpage reinstated mid June 2021
  3. cases by area (interactive map - enter a Lymm postcode)
  5. (enter your postcode)
  6. Covid-19 statistics
  7. Warrington Worldwide - regular summary of cases at a Warrington Lower Tier Local Authority level


From the site (the link no.3 in the list above), Covid-19 cases by area link above, updated daily where possible covering cases for Lymm:

  • The figures in the table below are the seven–day rolling rate of new cases by specimen date, taken daily from the site above - this table should be used only to show general trend for Covid-19 cases in Lymm (tracking a rolling seven-day average on a daily basis will give numbers that don't seem to make sense, but will show trends).
  • Where an MSOA (Middle layer Super Output Area e.g. Lymm) records fewer than 3 cases, data is not shown in the national reports in order to protect individuals. Details below will be show as "<3" (e.g. this is the same as 0-2) cases and "<7.9" rolling population.
  • Lymm (MSOA code E02002610 / Warrington 021) had an estimated population at mid 2020 of 12,563 (all ages)
  • Figures below are as at the date recorded, and are not adjusted retrospectively (the UK Govt. figures frequently change after they are first published) - in early January 2022 there were significant changes (~+5% increase) against figures reported, at a point 7 days later
  • From 31 January 2022, UKHSA COVID-19 case reporting has changed to an episode-based definition which includes possible reinfections. Figures appear to have been backdated, the table below shows data AS PUBLISHED  on the "date recorded", so will show significant differences prior to date recorded dates before 31/01/2022
  • From 21/02/2022 data is not reported at the weekend
  • From 01/04/2022 testing in England was significantly reduced (free lateral flow tests were withdrawn, paid lateral flow tests typically are not reportable - n.b. that free lateral flow tests were in reality not available from early to mid March 2022, and hard to obtain for some time prior to this)
  • From 01/07/2022 England covid statistics are updated only weekly.
  • From April 2022 these figures are of limited use due to the reduction of testing availability. Any increase in cases reported would be significant, though context would be difficult to understand.
Date recorded 7 days to: (date) Cases for Lymm (prev. 7 days) 7 day rolling rate per 100,000 population Change (no. of cases) Change (percentage)
17/11/2022 12/11/2022 8 63.7 +2 +33.3%
17/11/2022 05/11/2022 6 47.8 +2 +50.0%
03/11/2022 29/10/2022 4 31.8 -5 -55.6%
27/10/2022 22/10/2022 9 71.6 -6 -40.0%
20/10/2022 15/10/2022 15 119.4 -7 -31.8%
12/10/2022 08/10/2022 22 175.1 +9 +69.2%
05/10/2022 01/10/2022 13 103.3 +6 +85.7%
28/09/2022 24/09/2022 7 55.7 -2 -22.2%
21/09/2022 17/09/2022 9 71.6 +4 +80.0%
14/09/2022 10/09/2022 5 39.8 -4 -44.4%
07/09/2022 03/09/2022 9 71.6 +5 +125%
31/08/2022 26/08/2022 5 39.8 0 0
24/08/2022 19/08/2022 5 39.8 0 0
17/08/2022 12/08/2022 5 39.8 -3 -37.5%
10/08/2022 05/08/2022 7 55.7 -6 -46.2%
03/08/2022 29/08/2022 13 103.5 -6 -31.6%
27/07/2022 22/07/2022 19 151.2 -14 -42.4%
20/07/2022 15/07/2022 33 262.7 -8 -19.5%
13/07/2022 08/07/2022 41 326.4 +13 +46.4%
06/07/2022 01/07/2022 28 222.9 +5 +21.7%
01/07/2022 26/06/2022 27 214.9 +15 +125.0%
30/06/2022 25/06/2022 23 183.1 +8 +53.3%
29/06/2022 24/02/2022 23 183.1 +9 +64.3%
28/06/2022 23/06/2022 25 199.0 +13 +108.3%
27/06/2022 22/06/2022 21 167.2 +8 +61.5%
24/06/2022 19/06/2022 12 95.5 -2 -14.3%
23/06/2022 18/06/2022 15 119.4 +4 +36.4%
22/06/2022 17/06/2022 14 111.4 +2 +16.7%
21/06/2022 16/06/2022 12 95.5 +2 +20.0%
20/06/2022 15/06/2022 13 103.5 +5 +62.5%
17/06/2022 12/06/2022 14 111.4 +8 +133.3%
16/06/2022 11/06/2022 11 87.6 +7 +175.0%
15/06/2022 10/06/2022 12 95.5 +8 +200.0%
14/06/2022 09/06/2022 10 79.6 +5 +100.0%
13/06/2022 08/06/2022 8 63.7 0 0.0
10/06/2022 05/06/2022 6 47.8 -4 -40.0%
09/06/2022 04/06/2022 4 31.8 -9 -69.2%
08/06/2022 03/06/2022 4 31.8 -13 -76.5%
07/06/2022 02/06/2022 5 39.8 -14 -73.7%
06/06/2022 01/06/2022 8 63.7 -8 -50.0%
01/06/2022 27/05/2022 17 135.3 +3 +21.4%
31/05/2022 26/05/2022 19 151.2 +7 +58.3%
30/05/2022 25/05/2022 16 127.4 +2 +14.2%
27/05/2022 22/05/2022 21 167.2 +9 +75.0%
26/05/2022 21/05/2022 18 143.3 +2 +12.5%
25/05/2022 20/05/2022 14 111.4 -3 -17.6%
24/05/2022 19/05/2022 12 95.5 -4 -25.0%
23/05/2022 18/05/2022 14 111.4 -2 -12.5%
20/05/2022 15/05/2022 12 95.5 -4 -25.0%
19/05/2022 14/05/2022 16 127.4 +1 +6.7%
18/05/2022 13/05/2022 17 135.3 +3 +21.4%
17/05/2022 12/05/2022 16 127.4 -2 -11.1%
16/05/2022 11/05/2022 16 127.4 -3 -15.8%
13/05/2022 08/05/2022 16 127.4 -5 -23.8%
12/05/2022 07/05/2022 15 119.4 -7 -31.8%
11/05/2022 06/05/2022 14 111.4 -10 -41.7%
10/05/2022 05/05/2022 18 143.3 -6 -25.0%
06/05/2022 01/05/2022 21 167.2 -6 -22.2%
05/05/2022 30/04/2022 22 175.1 -3 -12.0%
04/05/2022 29/04/2022 24 191.0 -3 -11.1%
03/05/2022 28/04/2022 24 191.0 -4 -14.3%
29/04/2022 24/04/2022 27 214.9 -24 -47.1%
28/04/2022 23/04/2022 25 199.0 -29 -53.7%
27/04/2022 22/04/2022 26 207.0 -30 -53.6%
26/04/2022 21/04/2022 26 207.0 -34 -56.7%
25/04/2022 20/04/2022 33 262.7 -25 -43.1%
22/04/2022 17/04/2022 51 406.0 -8 -13.6%
21/04/2022 16/04/2022 54 429.8 -9 -14.3%
20/04/2022 15/02/2022 56 445.8 -11 -16.4%
19/04/2022 14/04/2022 60 477.6 -11 -15.5%
14/04/2022 09/04/2022 63 501.5 -51 -44.7%
13/04/2022 08/04/2022 67 533.3 -59 -46.8%
12/04/2022 07/04/2022 71 565.2 -55 -43.7%
11/04/2022 06/04/2022 75 597.0 -53 -41.4%
08/04/2022 03/04/2022 103 819.9 -39 -27.5%
07/04/2022 02/04/2022 113 899.5 -27 -19.3%
06/04/2022 01/04/2022 125 995.0 -14 -10.1%
05/04/2022 31/03/2022 126 1,002.9 -20 -13.7%
04/04/2022 30/03/2022 128 1,018.9 -23 -15.2%
01/04/2022 27/03/2022 142 1,130.3 -9 -6.0%
31/03/2022 26/03/2022 140 1,114.4 -16 -10.3%
30/03/2022 25/03/2022 139 1,106.4 -13 -8.6%
29/03/2022 24/03/2022 146 1,162.6 +2 +1.4%
28/03/2022 23/03/2022 151 1,201.9 +3 +2.0%
25/03/2022 20/03/2022 151 1,201.9 +47 +45.2%
24/03/2022 19/03/2022 156 1,241.7 +63 +67.7%
23/03/2022 18/03/2022 152 1,209.9 +70 +85.4%
22/03/2022 17/03/2022 144 1,146.2 +68 +89.5%
21/03/2022 16/03/2022 148 1,178.1 +81 +120.9%
18/03/2022 13/03/2022 104 827.8 +46 +79.3%
17/03/2022 12/03/2022 93 740.3 +43 +86.0%
16/03/2022 11/03/2022 82 652.7 +36 +78.3%
15/03/2022 10/03/2022 76 605.0 +32 +72.7%
14/03/2022 09/03/2022 67 533.3 +29 +76.3%
11/03/2022 06/03/2022 58 461.7 +27 +87.1%
10/03/2022 05/03/2022 50 398.0 +19 +61.3%
09/03/2022 04/03/2022 46 366.2 +14 +43.8%
08/03/2022 03/03/2022 44 350.2 +13 +41.9%
07/03/2022 02/03/2022 38 302.5 +5 +15.2%
04/03/2022 27/02/2022 31 246.8 -13 -29.5%
03/03/2022 26/02/2022 31 246.8 -15 -32.6%
02/03/2022 25/02/2022 32 254.7 -17 -34.7%
01/03/2022 24/02/2022 31 246.8 -22 -41.5%
28/02/2022 23/02/2022 33 262.7 -18 -35.3%
25/02/2022 20/02/2022 44 350.2 -3 -6.4%
24/02/2022 19/02/2022 46 366.2 +3 +7.0%
23/02/2022 18/02/2022 49 390.0 +5 +11.4%
22/02/2022 17/02/2022 53 421.9 +6 +12.8%
21/02/2022 16/02/2022 43 342.3 -32 -42.7%
20/02/2022 15/02/2022 46 366.2 -18 -28.1%
19/02/2022 14/04/2022 43 342.3 -32 -42.7%
18/02/2022 13/02/2022 47 374.1 -37 -44.0%
17/02/2022 12/02/2022 43 342.3 -54 -55.7%
16/02/2022 11/02/2022 44 350.2 -51 -53.7%
15/02/2022 10/02/2022 47 374.1 -48 -50.5%
14/02/2022 09/02/2022 55 437.8 -35 -38.9%
13/02/2022 08/02/2022 64 509.4 -29 -31.2%
12/02/2022 07/02/2022 75 597.0 -12 -13.8%
11/02/2022 06/02/2022 84 668.6 +1 +1.2%
10/02/2022 05/02/2022 97 772.1 +18 +22.8%
09/02/2022 04/02/2022 95 756.2 +12 +14.5%
08/02/2022 03/02/2022 95 756.2 +11 +13.1%
07/02/2022 02/02/2022 90 716.4 +2 +2.3%
06/02/2022 01/02/2022 93 740.3 +4 +4.5%
05/02/2022 31/01/2022 87 692.5 -10 -10.3%
04/02/2022 30/01/2022 83 660.7 -20 -19.4%
03/02/2022 29/01/2022 79 628.8 -36 -31.3%
02/02/2002 28/01/2022 83 660.7 -40 -32.5%
01/02/2022 27/01/2022 84 668.6 -40 -32.3%
31/01/2022 26/01/2022 88 700.5 -39 -30.7%
30/01/2022 25/01/2022 71 565.2 -41 -36.6%
29/01/2022 24/01/2022 78 620.9 -49 -38.6%
28/01/2022 23/01/2022 86 684.5 -47 -35.3%
27/01/2022 22/01/2022 93 740.3 -39 -29.5%
26/01/2022 21/01/2022 101 803.9 -31 -23.5%
25/01/2022 20/01/2022 104 827.8 -35 -25.2%
23/01/2022 18/01/2022 112 891.5 -62 -35.6%
22/01/2022 17/01/2022 127 1,010.9 -70 -35.5%
21/01/2022 16/01/2022 133 1,058.7 -88 -39.8%
20/01/2022 15/01/2022 131 1,042.7 -108 -45.2%
19/01/2022 14/01/2022 131 1,042.7 -119 -47.6%
18/01/2022 13/01/2022 138 1,098.5 -147 -51.6%
17/01/2022 12/01/2022 155 1,233.8 -138 -47.1%
16/01/2022 11/01/2022 174 1,385.0 -144 -45.3%
15/01/2022 10/01/2022 197 1,568.1 -101 -33.9%
14/01/2022 09/01/2022 221 1,759.1 -59 -21.1%
13/01/2022 08/01/2022 239 1,902.4 -43 -15.2%
12/01/2022 07/01/2022 248 1,974.1 -21 -7.8%
11/01/2022 06/01/2022 283 2,252.6 +22 +8.4%
10/01/2022 05/01/2022 291 2,316.3 +26 +9.8%
09/01/2022 04/01/2022 317 2,523.3 +63 +24.8%
08/01/2022 03/01/2022 297 2,364.1 +46 +18.3%
07/01/2022 02/01/2022 280 2,228.8 +31 +12.4%
06/01/2022 01/01/2022* 282 2,244.7 +48 +20.5%
05/01/2022 31/12/2021 268 2,133.2 +22 +8.9%
04/01/2022 30/12/2021 257 2,045.7 +37 +16.8%
03/01/2022 29/12/2021 262 2,085.5 +66 +33.7%
02/01/2022 28/12/2021 253 2,013.9 +92 +57.1%
01/01/2022 27/12/2021 251 1,997.9 +95 +60.9%
31/12/2021 26/12/2021 249 1,982.0 +108 +76.6%
30/12/2021 25/12/2021 234 1,862.6 +93 +66.0%
29/12/2021 24/12/2021 245 1,950.2 +107 +77.5%
28/12/2021 23/12/2021 219 1,743.2 +83 +61.0%
27/12/2021 22/12/2021 196 1,560.1 +64 +48.5%
26/12/2021     N/A    
25/12/2021     N/A    
24/12/2021 19/12/2021 141 1,122.3 +16 +12.8%
23/12/2021 18/12/2021 140 1,114.4 +21 +17.6%
22/12/2021 17/12/2021 137 1,090.5 +34 +33.0%
21/12/2021 16/12/2021 136 1,082.5 +40 +41.7%
20/12/2021 15/12/2021 132 1,050.7 +47 +55.3%
19/12/2021 14/12/2021 129 1,026.8 +45 +53.6%
18/12/2021 13/12/2021 124 987.0 +47 +61.0%
17/12/2021 12/12/2021 126 1,002.9 +58 +85.3%
16/12/2021 11/12/2021 120 955.2 +63 +110.5%
15/12/2021 10/12/2021 103 819.9 +47 +83.9%
14/12/2021 09/12/2021 96 764.1 +41 +74.5%
13/12/2021 08/12/2021 85 676.6 +34 +66.7%
12/12/2021 07/12/2021 84 668.6 +34 +68.0%
11/12/2021 06/12/2021 77 612.9 +29 +60.4%
10/12/2021 05/12/2021 68 541.3 +22 +47.8%
09/12/2021 04/12/2021 57 453.7 +14 +32.6%
08/12/2021 03/12/2021 56 445.8 +10 +21.7%
07/12/2021 02/12/2021 55 437.8 +13 +31.0%
06/12/2021 01/12/2021 51 406.0 +9 +21.4%
05/12/2021 30/11/2021 50 398.0 +8 +19.0%
04/12/2021 29/11/2021 48 382.1 +9 +23.1%
03/12/2021 28/11/2021 46 366.2 +4 +9.5%
02/12/2021 27/11/2021 43 342.3 -5 -10.4%
01/12/2021 26/11/2021 46 366.2 +1 +2.2%
30/11/2021 25/11/2021 42 334.3 -3 -6.7%
29/11/2021 24/11/2021 42 334.3 -10 -19.2%
28/11/2021 23/11/2021 43 342.3 -2 -4.4%
27/11/2021 22/11/2021 39 310.4 -8 -17.0%
26/11/2021 21/11/2021 42 334.3 -4 -8.7%
25/11/2021 20/11/2021 48 382.1 +8 +20.0%
24/11/2021 19/11/2021 46 366.2 +6 +15.0%
23/11/2021 18/11/2021 45 358.2 +6 +15.4%
22/11/2021 17/11/2021 52 413.9 +14 +36.8%
21/11/2021 16/11/2021 45 358.2 +9 +25.0%
20/11/2021 15/11/2021 47 374.1 +11 +30.6%
19/11/2021 14/11/2021 46 366.2 +7 +17.9%
18/11/2021 13/11/2021 40 318.4 -3 -7.0%
17/11/2021 12/11/2021 40 318.4 -11 -21.6%
16/11/2021 11/11/2021 39 310.4 -17 -30.4%
15/11/2021 10/11/2021 38 302.5 -22 -36.7%
14/11/2021 09/11/2021 36 286.6 -34 -48.6%
13/11/2021 08/11/2021 36 286.6 -34 -48.6%
12/11/2021 07/11/2021 39 310.4 -35 -47.3%
11/11/2021 06/11/2021 43 342.3 -29 -40.3%
10/11/2021 05/11/2021 51 406.0 -13 -20.3%
09/11/2021 04/11/2021 56 455.8 -17 -23.3%
08/11/2021 03/11/2021 60 477.6 -14 -18.9%
07/11/2021 02/11/2021 70 557.2 -3 -4.1%
06/11/2021 01/11/2021 70 557.2 -15 -17.6%
05/11/2021 31/10/2021 74 589.0 -21 -22.1%
04/11/2021 30/10/2021 72 573.1 -37 -33.9%
03/11/2021 29/10/2021 64 509.4 -47 -42.3%
02/11/2021 28/10/2021 73 581.1 -35 -32.4%
01/11/2021 27/10/2021 74 589.0 -38 -33.9%
31/10/2021 26/10/2021 73 581.1 -52 -41.6%
30/10/2021 25/10/2021 85 676.6 -55 -39.3%
29/10/2021 24/10/2021 95 756.2 -37 -28.0%
28/10/2021 23/10/2021 109 867.6 -13 -10.7%
27/10/2021 22/10/2021 111 883.5 -22 -16.5%
26/10/2021 21/10/2021 108 859.7 -28 -20.6%
25/10/2021 20/10/2021 112 891.5 -20 -15.2%
24/10/2021 19/10/2021 125 995.0 -6 -4.6%
23/10/2021 18/10/2021 140 1,114.4 +22 +18.6%
22/10/2021 17/10/2021 132 1,050.7 +17 +14.8%
21/10/2021 16/10/2021 122 971.1 +4 +3.4%
20/10/2021 15/10/2021 133 1,058.7 +16 +13.7%
19/10/2021 14/10/2021 136 1,082.5 +26 +23.6%
18/10/2021 13/10/2021 132 1,050.7 +17 +14.8%
17/10/2021 12/10/2021 131 1,042.7 +11 +9.2
16/10/2021 11/10/2021 118 939.3 +7 +6.3%
15/10/2021 10/10/2021 115 915.4 -3 -2.5%
14/10/2021 09/10/2021 117 931.3 -4 -3.3%
13/10/2021 08/10/2021 116 923.3 +2 +1.8%
12/10/2021 07/10/2021 110 875.6 +1 +0.9%
11/10/2021 06/10/2021 115 915.4 +17 +17.3%
10/10/2021 05/10/2021 120 955.2 +46 +62.2%
09/10/2021 04/10/2021 111 883.5 +43 +63.2%
08/10/2021 03/10/2021 118 939.3 +63 +114.5%
07/10/2021 02/10/2021 121 963.1 +80 +195.1%
06/10/2021 01/10/2021 114 907.4 +78 +216.7%
05/10/2021 30/09/2021 109 867.6 +74 +211.4%
04/10/2021 29/09/2021 98 780.1 +67 +216.1%
03/10/2021 28/09/2021 74 589.0 +42 +131.2%
02/10/2021 27/09/2021 68 541.3 +38 +126.7%
01/10/2021 26/09/2021 55 437.8 +27 +96.4%
30/09/2021 25/09/2021 41 326.4 +11 +36.7%
29/09/2021 24/09/2021 36 286.6 +10 +38.5%
28/09/2021 23/09/2021 35 278.6 +12 +52.2%
27/09/2021 22/09/2021 31 246.8 +8 +34.8%
26/09/2021 21/09/2021 32 254.7 +8 +33.3%
25/09/2021 20/09/2021 30 238.8 +6 +25.0%
24/09/2021 19/09/2021 28 222.9 +5 +21.7%
23/09/2021 18/09/2021 30 238.8 +2 +7.1%
22/09/2021 17/09/2021 26 207.0 -8 -23.5%
21/09/2021 16/09/2021 23 183.1 -16 -41.0%
20/09/2021 15/09/2021 23 183.1 -15 -39.5%
19/09/2021 14/09/2021 24 191.0 -16 -40.0%
18/09/2021 13/09/2021 24 191.0 -21 -46.7%
17/09/2021 12/09/2021 23 183.1 -21 -47.7%
16/09/2021 11/09/2021 28 222.9 -15 -34.9%
15/09/2021 10/09/2021 33 259.7 -6 -15.4%
14/09/2021 09/09/2021 38 299.0 +5 +15.2%
13/09/2021 08/09/2021 37 291.1 +2 +5.7%
12/09/2021 07/09/2021 39 306.9 +1 +39.3%
11/09/2021 06/09/2021 44 346.2 +11 +33.3%
10/09/2021 05/09/2021 43 338.3 +6 +16.2%
09/09/2021 04/09/2021 43 338.3 +11 +34.4%
08/09/2021 03/09/2021 39 306.9 +8 +25.8%
07/09/2021 02/09/2021 33 259.7 -2 -5.7%
06/09/2021 01/09/2021 35 275.1 -1 -2.8%
05/09/2021 31/08/2021 28 220.3 -14 -33.3%
04/09/2021 30/08/2021 33 259.7 +3 +10%
03/09/2021 29/08/2021 36 283.3 +6 +20%
02/09/2021 28/08/2021 32 251.8 -3 -8.6%
01/09/2021 27/08/2021 31 243.9 -7 -18.4%
31/08/2021 26/08/2021 35 275.4 -8 -18.6%
30/08/2021 25/08/2021 36 283.3 -7 -16.3%
29/08/2021 24/08/2021 43 338.3 +2 +4.9%
28/08/2021 23/08/2021 31 243.9 -15 -32.6%
27/08/2021 22/08/2021 31 243.9 -11 -26.2%
26/08/2021 21/08/2021 35 275.4 -1 -2.8%
25/08/2021 20/08/2021 38 299.0 -3 -7.3%
24/08/2021 19/08/2021 43 338.3 +10 +30.3%
23/08/2021 18/08/2021 42 330.5 +10 +31.2%
22/08/2021 17/08/2021 41 322.6 +9 +28.1%
21/08/2021 16/08/2021 46 361.9 +21 +84.0%
20/08/2021 15/08/2021 42 330.5 +16 +61.5%
19/08/2021 14/08/2021 36 283.3 +7 +24.1%
18/08/2021 13/08/2021 41 322.6 +17 +70.8%
17/08/2021 12/08/2021 33 259.7 +5 +17.9%
16/08/2021 11/08/2021 32 251.8 +4 +14.3%
15/08/2021 10/08/2021 32 251.8 +3 +10.3%
14/08/2021 09/08/2021 25 196.7 -10 -28.6%
13/08/2021 08/08/2021 26 204.6 -12 -31.6%
12/08/2021 07/08/2021 29 228.2 -8 -21.6%
11/08/2021 06/08/2021 24 188.8 -14 -36.8%
10/08/2021 05/08/2021 28 220.3 -12 -30.0%
09/08/2021 04/08/2021 28 220.3 -12 -30.0%
08/08/2021 03/08/2021 29 228.2 -4 -12.1%
07/08/2021 02/08/2021 35 275.4 +2 +6.1%
06/08/2021 01/08/2021 38 299.0 +2 +5.6%
05/08/2021 31/07/2021 37 291.1 -2 -5.1%
04/08/2021 30/07/2021 38 299.0 -2 -5.0%
03/08/2021 29/07/2021 40 314.7 +1 +2.6%
02/08/2021 28/07/2021 40 314.7 -10 -20.0%
01/08/2021 27/07/2021 33 259.7 -29 -46.8%
31/07/2021 26/07/2021 33 259.7 -40 -54.8%
30/07/2021 25/07/2021 36 283.3 -41 -53.2%
29/07/2021 24/07/2021 39 306.9 -44 -53.0%
28/07/2021 23/07/2021 40 314.7 -48 -54.5%
27/07/2021 22/07/2021 39 306.9 -52 -57.1%
26/07/2021 21/07/2021 50 393.4 -31 -38.3%
25/07/2021 20/07/2021 62 487.8 -13 -17.3%
24/07/2021 19/07/2021 73 574.4 +10 +15.9%
23/07/2021 18/07/2021 77 605.9 +21 +37.5%
22/07/2021 17/07/2021 83 653.1 +34 +69.4%
21/07/2021 16/07/2021 88 692.4 +47 +114.6%
20/07/2021 15/07/2021 90 708.2 +56 +164.7%
19/07/2021 14/07/2021 80 629.5 +45 +128.6%
18/07/2021 13/07/2021 74 582.3 +37 +100.0%
17/07/2021 12/07/2021 62 487.8 +23 +59.0%
16/07/2021 11/07/2021 55 432.8 +18 +48.6%
15/07/2021 10/07/2021 48 377.7 +14 +41.2%
14/07/2021 09/07/2021 41 322.6 +4 +10.8%
13/07/2021 08/07/2021 34 267.5 -7 -17.1%
12/07/2021 07/07/2021 35 275.4 -9 -20.5%
11/07/2021 06/07/2021 37 291.1 -11 -22.9%
10/07/2021 05/07/2021 39 306.9 -10 -20.4%
09/07/2021 04/07/2021 37 291.1 -8 -17.8%
08/07/2021 03/07/2021 34 267.5 -15 -30.6%
07/07/2021 02/07/2021 37 291.1 -10 -21.3%
06/07/2021 01/07/2021 41 322.6 -2 -4.7%
05/07/2021 30/06/2021 44 346.2 +4 +10.0%
04/07/2021 29/06/2021 48 377.7 +18 +60.0%
03/07/2021 28/06/2021 49 385.8 +22 +81.5%
02/07/2021 27/07/2021 45 354.1 +14 +45.2%
01/07/2021 26/06/2021 49 385.6 +23 +88.5%
30/06/2021 25/06/2021 47 369.8 +24 +104.3%
29/06/2021 24/06/2021 43 338.3 +17 +65.4%
28/06/2021 23/06/2021 40 314.7 +16 +66.7%
27/06/2021 22/06/2021 30 236.1 +7 +30.4%
26/06/2021 21/06/2021 27 212.4 +7 +35.0%
25/06/2021 20/06/2021 31 243.9 +15 +93.8%
24/06/2021 19/06/2021 26 204.6 +8 +44.4%
23/06/2021 18/06/2021 23 181.0 +3 +15.0%
22/06/2021 17/06/2021 26 204.6 +11 +73.3%
21/06/2021 16/06/2021 24 188.8 +11 +84.6%
20/06/2021 15/06/2021 23 181.0 +11 +91.7%
19/06/2021 14/06/2021 20 157.4 +9 +81.8%
18/06/2021 13/06/2021 16 125.9 +6 +60.0%
17/06/2021 12/06/2021 18 141.6 +7 +63.6%
16/06/2021 11/06/2021 20 157.4 +11 +122.2%
15/06/2021 10/06/2021 15 118.0 +6 +66.7%
14/06/2021 09/06/2021 13 102.3 +6 +85.7%
13/06/2021 08/06/2021 12 94.4 +6 +100.0%
12/06/2021 07/06/2021 11 86.6 +5 +83.3%
11/06/2021 06/06/2021 10 78.7 +3 +42.9%
10/06/2021 05/06/2021 11 86.6 +8 +266.7%
09/06/2021 04/06/2021 9 70.8 +9 +350.0%
08/06/2021 03/06/2021 9 70.8 +9 +350.0%
07/06/2021 02/06/2021 7 55.1 +5 +250.0%
06/06/2021 01/06/2021 6 47.2 +4 +200.0%
05/06/2021 31/05/2021 6 47.2 +4 +200.0%
04/06/2021 30/05/2021 7 55.1 +5 +250%
03/06/2021 29/05/2021 3 23.6 +1 +50%
02/06/2021 28/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
01/06/2021 27/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
31/05/2021 26/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
30/05/2021 25/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
29/05/2021 24/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
28/05/2021 23/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
27/05/2021 22/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
26/05/2021 21/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
25/05/2021 20/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
24/05/2021 19/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
23/05/2021 18/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
22/05/2021 17/02/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
21/05/2021 16/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
20/05/2021 15/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
19/05/2021 14/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
18/05/2021 13/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
17/05/2021 12/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
16/05/2021 11/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
15/05/2021 10/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
14/05/2021 09/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
13/05/2021 08/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
12/05/2021 07/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
11/05/2021 06/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
10/05/2021 05/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
09/05/2021 04/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
08/05/2021 03/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
07/05/2021 02/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
06/05/2021 01/05/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
05/05/2021 30/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
04/05/2021 29/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
03/05/2021 28/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
02/05/2021 27/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
01/05/2021 26/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
30/04/2021 25/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
29/04/2021 24/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
28/04/2021 23/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
27/04/2021 22/04/2021 3 23.6 +1 +50.0%
26/04/2021 21/04/2021 3 23.6 +1 +50.0%
25/04/2021 20/04/2021 3 23.6 +1 +50.0%
24/04/2021 19/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
23/04/2021 18/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
22/04/2021 17/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
21/04/2021 16/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
20/04/2021 15/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
19/04/2021 14/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
18/04/2021 13/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
17/04/2021 12/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
16/04/2021 11/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
15/04/2021 10/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
14/04/2021 09/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
13/04/2021 08/04/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
12/04/2021 07/04/2021 3 23.6 +1 +50.0%
11/04/2021 06/04/2021 3 23.6 0 0.0%
10/04/2021 05/04/2021 4 31.5 +2 +100.0%
09/04/2021 04/04/2021 4 31.5 +1 +33.3%
08/04/2021 03/04/2021 4 31.5 +1 +33.3%
07/04/2021 02/04/2021 3 23.6 -1 -25.0%
06/04/2021 01/04/2021 3 23.6 -5 -62.5%
05/04/2021 31/03/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
04/04/2021 30/03/2021 3 23.6 -11 -78.6%
03/04/2021 29/03/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
02/04/2021 28/03/2021 3 23.6 -14 -82.4%
01/04/2021 27/03/2021 3 23.6 -18 -85.7%
31/03/2021 26/03/2021 4 31.5 -16 -80.0%
30/03/2021 25/03/2021 8 62.9 -7 -46.7%
29/03/2021 24/03/2021 12 94.4 +1 +9.1%
28/03/2021 23/03/2021 14 110.2 +6 +75.0%
27/03/2021 22/03/2021 14 110.2 +14 +75.0%
26/03/2021 21/03/2021 17 133.8 +17 +240.0%
25/03/2021 20/03/2021 21 165.2 +19 +950.0%
24/03/2021 19/03/2021 20 157.4 +16 +400.0%
23/03/2021 18/03/2021 15 118.0 +11 +275.0%
22/03/2021 17/03/2021 11 86.6 +5 +83.3%
21/03/2021 16/03/2021 8 62.9 +2 +33.3%
20/03/2021 15/03/2021 8 62.9 +1 +14.3%
19/03/2021 14/03/2021 5 39.3 -2 -28.6%
18/03/2021 13/03/2021 <3 <7.9 - -
17/03/2021 12/03/2021 4 31.5 0 0.0%
16/03/2021 11/03/2021 4 31.5 -1 -20.0%
15/03/2021 10/03/2021 6 47.2 +3 +100.0%
14/03/2021 09/03/2021 6 47.2 0 0.0%
13/03/2021 08/03/2021 7 55.1 0 0.0%
12/03/2021 07/03/2021 6 47.2 -2 -25.0%
11/03/2021 06/03/2021 6 47.2 -3 -33.3%
10/03/2021 05/03/2021 4 31.5 -5 -55.6%
09/03/2021 04/03/2021 5 39.3 -5 -50.0%
08/03/2021 03/03/2021 3 23.6 -11 -78.6%
07/03/2021 02/03/2021 6 47.2 -7 -53.8%
06/03/2021 01/03/2021 7 55.1 -9 -56.2%
05/03/2021* 28/02/2021 8 62.9 -7 -46.7%
04/03/2021 27/02/2021 9 70.8 -7 -43.8%
03/03/2021 26/02/2021 9 70.8 -7 -43.8%
02/03/2021 25/02/2021 10 78.7 -6 -37.5%
01/03/2021 24/02/2021 14 110.2 0 0.0%
28/02/2021 23/02/2021 13 102.3 -1 -7.1%
27/02/2021 22/02/2021 16 125.9 0 0.0%
26/02/2021 21/02/2021 15 118.0 -6 -28.6%
25/02/2021 20/02/2021 16 125.9 -7 -30.4%
24/02/2021 19/02/2021 16 125.9 -8 -33.3%
23/02/2021 18/02/2021 16 125.9 -8 -33.3%
22/02/2021 17/02/2021 14 110.2 -10 -41.7%
21/02/2021 16/02/2021 14 110.2 -10 -14.7%
20/02/2021 15/02/2021 16 125.9 -6 -27.3%
19/02/2021* 14/02/2021 21 165.2 +3 +16.7%
18/02/2021 13/02/2021 21 165.2 +3 +16.7%
17/02/2021 12/02/2021 24 188.8 +4 +20.0%
16/02/2021 11/02/2021 24 188.8 -1 -4.0%
15/02/2021 10/02/2021 24 188.8 -4 -14.3%
14/02/2021 09/02/2021 24 188.8 -3 -11.1%
13/02/2021 08/02/2021 22 173.1 -7 -24.1%
12/02/2021 07/02/2021 18 141.6 -10 -35.7%
11/02/2021 06/02/2021 20 157.4 -3 -13.0%
10/02/2021 05/02/2021 20 157.4 -3 -13.0%
09/02/2021 04/02/2021 25 196.7 +7 +38.9%
08/02/2021 03/02/2021 28 220.3 +12 +75.0%
07/02/2021 02/02/2021 27 212.4 +11 +68.8%
06/02/2021 01/02/2021 29 228.2 +17 +141.7%
05/02/2021 31/01/2021 28 220.3 +9 +47.4%
04/02/2021 30/01/2021 26 204.6 +7 +36.8%
03/02/2021 29/01/2021 23 181.0 +2 +9.5%
02/02/2021 28/01/2021 18 141.6 -3 -14.3%
01/02/2021 27/01/2021 16 125.9 -3 -15.8%
31/01/2021 26/01/2021 16 125.9 -6 -27.3%
30/01/2021 25/01/2021 12 94.4 -10 -45.5%
29/01/2021 24/01/2021 19 149.5 -3 -13.6%
28/01/2021 23/01/2021 19 149.5 -10 -34.5%
27/01/2021 22/01/2021 21 165.2 -10 -32.3%
26/01/2021 21/01/2021 22 173.1 -14 -38.9%
25/01/2021 20/01/2021 20 157.4 -22 -52.4%
24/01/2021 19/01/2021 23 181.0 -19 -45.2%
23/01/2021 18/01/2021 25 181.0 -25 -53.1%
22/01/2021 17/01/2021 23 181.0 -27 -54.0%
21/01/2021 16/01/2021 30 236.1 -26 -46.4%
20/01/2021 15/01/2021 32 251.8 -43 -57.3%
19/01/2021 14/01/2021 36 283.3 -38 -51.4%
18/01/2021 13/01/2021 42 330.5 -38 -47.5%
17/01/2021 12/01/2021 42 330.5 -43 -50.6%
16/01/2021 11/01/2021 48 377.7 -41 -45.5%
15/01/2021 10/01/2021 50 393.4 -41 -45.1%
14/01/2021 09/01/2021 56 440.6 -29 -34.1%
13/01/2021 08/01/2021 75 590.1 +10 +15.4%
12/01/2021 07/01/2021 74 582.3 +13 +21.3%
11/01/2021 06/01/2021 80 629.5 +25 +45.5%
10/01/2021 05/01/2021 85 668.8 +25 +45.7%
09/01/2021 04/01/2021 88 692.4 +34 +63.0%
08/01/2021 03/01/2021 91 716.0 +35 +62.5%
07/01/2021 02/01/2021 85 668.8 +27 +46.6%
06/01/2021 01/01/2021 65 511.4 +8 +14.0%
05/01/2021 31/12/2020 61 480.0 +5 +8.9%
04/01/2021 30/12/2020 55 432.8 +3 +5.8%
03/01/2021 29/12/2020 61 480.0 +11 +22.0%
02/01/2021 28/12/2020 54 424.9 0 0.0%
01/01/2021 27/12/2020 57 448.5 +15 +35.7%
31/12/2020 26/12/2020 58 456.4 +22 +61.1%
30/12/2020 25/12/2020 57 448.5 +35 +78.1%
29/12/2020 24/12/2020 56 440.6 +22 +64.7%
28/12/2020 23/12/2020 52 409.2 +18 +52.9%
27/12/2020 22/12/2020 48 377.7 +25 +108.7%
26/12/2020 21/12/2020 52 409.2 +39 +300.0%
25/12/2020 20/12/2020 42 330.5 +32 +320.0%
24/12/2020 19/12/2020 36 283.3 +29 +414.3%
23/12/2020 18/12/2020 32 151.8 +25 +357.1%
22/12/2020 17/12/2020 34 267.5 +28 +466.7%
21/12/2020 16/12/2020 34 267.5 +30 +750.0%
20/12/2020 15/12/2020 23 181.0 +16 +228.6%
19/12/2020 14/12/2020 13 102.3 +4 +44.4%
18/12/2020 13/12/2020 10 78.7 -1 -9.1%
17/12/2020 12/12/2020 7 55.1 -4 -36.4%
16/12/2020 11/12/2020 7 55.1 -4 -36.4%
15/12/2020* 10/12/2020 6 47.2 -5 -45.5%
14/12/2020 09/12/2020 4 31.5 -8 -66.7%
13/12/2020 08/12/2020 7 55.1 -2 -22.2%
12/12/2020 07/12/2020 9 70.8 +2 +28.6%
11/12/2020 06/12/2020 11 86.6 +3 +37.5%
10/12/2020 05/12/2020 11 86.6 -1 -8.3%
08/12/2020 03/12/2020 11 86.6 -2 -15.4%
07/12/2020 02/12/2020 12 94.4 -1 -7.7%
06/12/2020 01/12/2020 9 70.8 -4 -30.8%
04/12/2020 29/11/2020 8 62.9 -5 -38.5%
03/12/2020 28/11/2020 12 94.4 0 0%
02/12/2020 27/11/2020 14 110.2 +1 7.7%
01/12/2020 26/11/2020 13 102.3 -1 -7.1%
30/11/2020 25/11/2020 13 102.3 +2 +18.2%
29/11/2020 24/11/2020 13 102.3 -4 -23.5%
28/11/2020 23/11/2020 14 110.2 -7 -33.3%
27/11/2020 22/11/2020 12 94.4 -14 -53.8%
26/11/2020 21/11/2020 10 78.7 -19 -65.5%
25/11/2020 20/11/2020 11 86.6 -22 -66.7%
24/11/2020 19/11/2020 12 94.4 -24 -66.7%
23/11/2020 18/11/2020 11 86.6 -31 -73.8%
22/11/2020 17/11/2020 17 133.8 -21 -55.3%
21/11/2020 16/11/2020 21 165.2 -16 -43.2%
19/11/2020 14/11/2020 27 212.4 -8 -22.9%
18/11/2020 13/11/2020 31 243.9 -2 -6.1%
17/11/2020 12/11/2020 34 267.5 +1 +3%
16/11/2020 11/11/2020 40 314.7 +8 +25%
15/11/2020 10/11/2020 41 322.6 +11 +36.7%
14/11/2020 09/11/2020 41 322.6 +8 +24.2%
13/11/2020 08/11/2020 39 306.9 +3 +8.3%
12/11/2020 07/11/2020 39 306.9 +8 +25.8%
11/11/2020 06/11/2020 36 283.3 +9 +33.3%
10/11/2020 05/11/2020 34 267.5 +9 +36.0%
09/11/2020 04/11/2020 29 228.2 +3 +11.5%
08/11/2020 03/11/2020 30 236.1 -1 -3.4%
07/11/2020 02/11/2020 33 259.7 +6 +22.2%
06/11/2020 01/11/2020 36 283.3 -1 -2.7%
05/11/2020 31/10/2020 31 243.9 -7 -18.4%
04/11/2020 30/11/2020 27 212.4 -17 -38.6%
03/11/2020 29/10/2020 25 196.7 -22 -46.8%
02/11/2020 28/10/2020 30 236.1 -17 -36.2%
01/11/2020 27/10/2020 30 236.1 -17 -36.2%
31/10/2020 26/10/2020 27 212.4 -25 -48.1%
30/10/2020 25/10/2020 37 291.1 -3 -7.5%
29/10/2020 24/10/2020 37 291.1 -3 -7.5%
28/10/2020 23/10/2020 43 338.3 +4 +10.3%
27/10/2020 22/10/2020 46 361.9 +6 +15%
25/10/2020 20/10/2020 47 369.8 +9 +23.7%
24/10/2020 19/10/2020 52 409.2 +17 +48.6%
23/10/2020 18/10/2020 40 314.7 +6 +17.6%
22/10/2020 17/10/2020 40 314.7 +4 +11.1%
21/10/2020 16/10/2020 38 299 0 0%
20/10/2020 15/10/2020 38 299 +2 +5.6%
19/10/2020 14/10/2020 40 314.7 +7 +21.2%
18/10/2020 13/10/2020 37 291.1 +4 +12.1%
17/10/2020 12/10/2020 35 275.4 +5 +16.7%
16/10/2020 11/10/2020 34 267.5 +5 +17.2%
16/10/2020 10/10/2020 36 283.3 +9 +33%
15/10/2020 09/10/2020 38 299 +18 +90%

*data for 7 days to these dates was added retrospectively e.g. a week or more after this date

** data for 7 days to dates prior to 09/10/2020 is available but has had retrospective corrections made around early November. The table above shows data that was published on or shortly after the date shown but prior to early November 2020 no longer matches the official record.

Government restrictions would be imposed on Warrington as a whole (which Lymm comes under), even if or when Lymm cases were low / reducing


Warrington & Halton NHS Trust status has been moved to a separate page here

Covid prevalence graphs for Lymm have been moved to a separate page here (includes key restriction dates)


Covid-19 example status for Lymm