2024 Parish & Borough Elections

results of the 02/05/2024 elections are being added to the WBC website here: https://www.warrington.gov.uk/election-results-2024

Next elections:

The next Lymm Parish & Warrington Borough elections are scheduled for Thursday 2nd May 2024.

Register to vote:

  1. Register to vote before the deadline on Tuesday 16 April at midnight.
  2. Register for a voter ID before the deadline on Wednesday 24 April at 5pm
  3. Register to vote by post before Wednesday 17 April at 5pm and register to vote by proxy before Wednesday 24 April at 5pm.


Whilst we are expecting a general election, this cannot now be on 2nd May. Candidate registrations closed on 4th April. 

The current constituency boundaries (that will affect which constituencies Lymm resides in) were redrawn in 2023, so at the next General Election Lymm will move out of the Warrington South constituency, to be part of the Tatton constituency.

On May 2nd Lymm will be voting for

  1. a Parish Councillor in Lymm (Lymm North if you are north of the Bridgewater canal, Lymm South if you are on the south side)
  2. a Councillor for Warrington Borough Council (Lymm north or south) and
  3. the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire. Lymm and Warrington are in Cheshire Police area.

When we get a general election Lymm will be voting in Tatton, currently a Conservative held constituency, with Esther Mcvey as MP but all the indicators show a more than 75% chance of her being pushed out by Labour.

Andy Carter is still the 'Lymm MP' (e.g. Warrington South) until the count declares in Tatton.

Lymm will continue to you pay your council tax to Warrington, and receive services from Warrington Borough Council (bin services, road maintenance, school applications etc).

Local candidates for the Warrington Borough Council elections on May 2nd:
Lymm North & Thelwall - voting for THREE candidates:

  • Sue Farrington (Sue) - Conservative
  • Calum David Higginson (Calum) - Conservative
  • Robert John Hignett (Rob) Liberal Democrats
  • Wendy Johnson - Liberal Democrats
  • Ian George Marks - Liberal Democrats
  • Helen Charlotte Milner - Labour
  • Carole Margaret Pemberton - Conservative

Lymm South - voting for TWO candidates:

  • Phillip Martin Ford - Conservative
  • Sara Frith - Labour
  • Graham Farrington Gowland - Liberal Democrats
  • Ian Pemberton - Conservative
  • Luke Willam Stuttard - Liberal Democrats

Local candidates for the Lymm Parish Council elections on May 2nd:

Lymm North & Thelwall - these candidates are uncontested, so automatically win their seats.

  • Chris East - Liberal Democrats
  • Jane Hunter - Liberal Democrats
  • Emma Langman - Liberal Democrats
  • Ian Marks - Liberal Democrats
  • Colin Oakley - Independent
  • Karen Rurlander - Liberal Democrats

Lymm South - voting for six candidates:

  • Jenna Brown - Liberal Democrats
  • Ann Johnstone - Liberal Democrats
  • Denis McAllister - Liberal Democrats
  • Ian Pemberton - Conservative
  • Ben Selwood - Liberal Democrats
  • Sally Sharma - Liberal Democrats
  • Luke Stuttard - Liberal Democrats

Police and Crime Commissioner - voting for one candidate:

  • Paul Duffy (Liberal Democrats)
  • John Dwyer (Conservatives)
  • Dan Price (Labour)

There are brief statements from each candidate on the Who Can I Vote For website here.

This page will be updated with remaining candidates and further relevant information as the elections approach.


9 months 3 weeks ago