Carols from the Cross

Carols from the Cross
Event start date
approx 1 1/2 hours

2024 event starts at 18:30hrs, 1/2 hour earlier than previously (18:30 - 19:00 warm up with carols recorded by local schools; 19:00 to 20:00 carols with the band)

Song sheets available to download from the Lymm Parish Council link - please download and store on your device (or print) where possible - mobile networks and / or the website can be busy on the night.

(previously billed as Carols around Lymm, Carols round the Cross etc.)

Road closures from 17:30 until approx 20:30hrs.


2024.12 Carols

The stage ahead of the 2023 event:

2023.12 Carols stage