As you may be aware WBC are considering a number of options in order to reconstruct the cobbled section of Pepper Street, now in a poor condition.
There was a drop in session at Lymm Village Hall on Pepper Street, from 2pm to 7pm on Wednesday 5 October 2022.
Drawings showing the proposed options, and other supporting information were on display and WBC are seeking the views of residents and businesses on these via the completion of a postcard.
For those who were not able to make the drop in session the information on display is available at - since 5th October. An E-Card is available to complete and return to WBC by email before midnight on 12 October 2022
Comments received regarding the project will be considered and the final outcome will be made available to residents and businesses via the above web link and displayed on the Village Hall notice board.
The works are programmed to take place from June/July 2023