Lymm Dickensian Festival

Lymm Dickensian Festival
Event start date
All day (till 17:00 hrs)


The village centre will be closed to through traffic between 08:00 and 17:30 hrs, with stalls open from 10:00 and events from 11:00 hrs.

The Santa dash (organised by Lymm Runners) is at 13:30hrs, starting at the same time as the parade.

There is often a canal boat parade / flotilla on the same day as the Dickensian Festival, if the same day then departing Ridgeway Grundy from 16:00, in the village centre shortly after this.

Details from the 2024 Festival below are shown for information / guidance only (will be updated as 2025 details become available).

Mix 56 (aka Lymm Radio) are expected to be broadcasting live from the village centre, with live commentary on the procession & features throughout the day.


2024 Lymm Dickensian Programme p1


2024 Lymm Dickensian Programme p2


2024.12 Dickensian Timetable



Stalls & Merchants

The following locations will be serving refreshments and have toilet facilities.

  1. Lymm Village Hall, Pepper street
  2. Lymm Artists Exhibition in the Village Hall Council Chamber, Pepper street
  3. Youth & Community Centre, (off Bridgewater street)
  4. Lymm Methodist Church, Eagle Brow - light refreshments served downstairs all day
  5. Lymm Heritage Centre, (off Bridgewater street) - with exhibitions
  6. Sanctuary Cafe, Davies Way - open from 09:00 to 16:00
  7. Village centre (the Cross, Eagle Brow and Bridgewater Street - various stalls)

Road closures:

Village Centre road closures will be in place from 08:00 to 17:30 hrs on the day

The following road closures will be in place on the day to allow the Lymm Dickensian procession to move through the village and for the market in the village centre to take place:

  • 07:00 - 18:00hrs Eagle Brow to Lymm Cross and Whitbarrow Road / Bridgewater Street, Henry Street, The Dingle & The Grove
  • 12:30 -14:30hrs Brookfield Road (from Whitbarrow Road to Eagle Brow, Maltmans Road Brookfield Close, Davies Way exit to Brookfield Road
  • 13:00 -14:30hrs Rectory Lane exit to the Cross, Lymm Bridge, New Road, Dane Bank Road, The Golden Fleece Car Park exit & The Square

Please note that these are approximate times and therefore closures may be in place slightly earlier and/or later than anticipated. The participants in the procession will line up along Brookfield Road and the parade will commence from this location at 13:30hrs. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience


Village centre parking will be limited, and will fill up early. Please walk into the village if you can, else there will be a shuttle bus running to the village centre from a local park & ride (at Lymm High School), between 10:00 & 16:30hrs.

There will be restrictions in the car parks in the village and also the centre of the village will be closed to general traffic for most of the day.  
If you are travelling by car it is advisable to get to Lymm early and where possible, please use the FREE park and ride service located at Lymm High School, Oughtrington Lane, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0BR. 
Buses will run round robin trips from the High School into the village centre from 10:00 until 16:30 hrs
NB. Lymm High School car park closes, and is locked at 17::00 hrs!

2021 Pictures

2021.12 Lymm Dickensian Big Sing


2021.12 Lymm Dickensian Steam Van


2021.12 Lymm Dickensian Chestnuts