Monthly Parish Council Meeting, typically held on the second Tuesday of the month at 19:30hrs.
The slot for public to raise matters is invariably at the start of the meeting - you need to arrive promptly at 19:30hrs.
If you are requesting assistance, be clear with:
- the problem / issue
- The options (don't be afraid to mention non-preferred options, but best to explain why not preferred etc)
- What help you would like (ideally a recommended option / solution)
- It helps to remember that the Parish Councillors are ALL volunteers - they don't get paid for giving up their time, however they have put themselves forward in order to help, and give back to the community.
- How you will follow up / feed back (if required) - even if just to say thanks
The agenda is typically published late the week before the meeting (so if you would like an item adding to the agenda, ideally this would be requested via the Clerk at least a week prior to the next meeting).
Minutes are typically published within a week or so of the meeting.