Lymm Business Centre


Lymm Business Centre, Davies Way, Lymm, WA13 0QW

01925 758361
Further information

Hotdesk facilities, meeting rooms & various business facilities available for use.


  • Use Davies Way car park (you must pay!)


  • Refreshments available (including in hotdesk / room hire fees)

Hire details

  • See details on website


Useful summary of Lymm Business Centre from April 2021:

1. Lymm Hub is the new sign you’ll see outside Lymm Library. The Hub contains – Lymm Library, Lymm Sanctuary Hub and Lymm Business Centre

2. LSH/LBC re-opens from Monday 19th April – cautiously, safely and with services by pre-arrangement to begin. Hours will be 9-5, Mon-Fri.

3. Lymm Sanctuary Hub is a charity. Lymm Business Centre is a social enterprise that sits below it with its profits going to the charity to pay the rent to the council, help keep the building open and support community projects.

4. LSH/LBC is not Lymm Parish Council – they are located in the Village Hall. Nor are we Lymm Library – they are on the left (main) side of the building.

5. Business meetings, support groups and charitable activities are permissible gatherings.

6. LBC has 1 co-working office (for 14 people), 1 event room, 2 meeting rooms and 2 closed offices to rent out.

7. Davies Way car park is not ours, it’s the Borough Council's. We can’t cancel your tickets if you miss the signs. Oh, and the parking spaces outside the Library are not for free public use either. They are for library users, library staff and on Friday's, when the library is closed, the LNOBIL meal team need them to get close to load up boxes.

8. Lymm IT Recycling - SAVE your IT. Date TBC is due to run mid May to accept your unwanted IT and fundraise for IT devices for young families and older people.

9. Hotdesking in LBC offers quiet space, fast Wi-Fi and is just £10 a day (including coffee!)

10. Printing, copying, scanning and shredding services are available at LBC.

11. LSH & LBC need more volunteers to cover our opening hours, 9-5, Mon-Fri, and 2-3

12. The LNOBIL Meal Scheme continues to run from the Hub, offering food boxes and hot meals each week, and accepting food donations daily in the trunk outside 9-12.

13. LSH runs an affordable counselling service with trained counsellors for £10/hr and we host Cheshire Wellness & Mental Fitness CIC

14. The gardens beside the library are due to be developed into a sensory and memorial garden and support and ideas are welcomed.

15. LSH needs a marketing professional who could donate 1-2 hours a week to promote our venue to get us back to where we were pre-Covid.

16. Existing and planned community projects from the site include parenting, dementia, healthy eating, eco awareness, debt and financial support, IT enablement, bereavement and domestic abuse support.

17. Business support services from the site include secretarial, VA, marketing, social media, IT, legal, HR, accountancy (offered directly or from local partners)

18. The Library is separate (did I say that already Image removed.) so no, we can’t take their books or let you into their loo. Sorry!

If you weren’t aware of any of the above, please consider point 19.

19. Liking the LBC Facebook page | Visiting | Volunteering 2hrs of time a week/fortnight/month | Donating with gift aid to our community projects (by contacting us) | Telling folk about our services when you see anyone asking for something on this very long list.

3 years 10 months ago