Air Quality

PM2.5 readings for Broomedge and Booths Hill, Lymm, and High Legh (Primary School).


(to show / hide locations, tap / ctrl + click / cmd + click on the 'Name' field below the graph)

Statistics are for the rolling 7 day period. Data limited to the previous 7 days only.

The above graph shows PM2.5 readings for two locations in Lymm, as well as a device in High Legh. Whilst the devices used are from different manufacturers, they use the same underlying sensor technology.

The graph is limited to the last 7 days of data, longer term records can be made available on request (going back to March 2025) - please use the contact form. 

Observations to date suggest that a significant contributor of poor air quality locally is wind strength and direction, with light easterly winds from the east or north east often pushing in high levels of PM2.5 from Manchester and / or the airport. Localised factors such as wood / coal fires & bonfires appear to cause transient peaks.

The Broomedge readings are from a Davis Airlink monitor (commissioned in December 2023), with a resolution of 1 minute.

The Booths Hill (commissioned autumn 2024) and High Legh (commissioned in 2022) readings are from PurpleAir devices, with resolution of approx 5 minutes to manage the connectivity costs. 

3 hours 43 minutes ago