High Legh Primary School


Wrenshot Lane, High Legh, WA16 6NW

01925 753 713
Further information

Head: Mrs Louise Tottle

LEA: Cheshire East Council

Warrington Guardian article (October 2021) on High Legh taking a different (novel?) approach to swimming lessons (with intensive on site 1/2 hour daily swimming lessons for 2-3 weeks vs. 1 hour weekly lessons spread out over six weeks but including travel to an external leisure centre). This setup was used twice in the 2021/2022 year - in October and again in the summer term - pupil & parental feedback was very positive. 

High Legh Primary School have installed an air quality monitor (This link opens an external website - PurpleAir.com), funded with the help of High Legh Community Association, as part of the curriculum (clean air week 2022):

Loading PurpleAir Widget...

September 2022 admissions

24 places were allocated from a PAN of 30. The school was not over-subscribed.

2022 lowest criterion allocated: Distance

2021 furthest distance: 5.079 miles

Published Admission Number (PAN) is 30

OFSTED report (July 2022) Good


September 2021 admissions

12 places were allocated from a PAN of 30. The school was not over-subscribed.

2021 lowest criterion allocated: Distance

2021 furthest distance: 4.225 miles

Published Admission Number (PAN) is 30

OFSTED report (2017 - a more recent report is now available) Good


PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

PTA page on school website

The very active PTA have most recently been raising funds for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) - an all weather "3G" pitch, funded by school, PTA & grant applications. This facility was installed at Easter 2022. The PTA are now looking to fund solar panels to be installed on the school roof. 

The MUGA at the side of the school field:

2022.04 High Legh MUGA 7


Associated pre-school

High Legh Preschool & Nursery (link to website) is independent of the primary school and is located approx 350m away.


1 month ago