Cherry Tree Primary School


Hardy road, Lymm, WA13 0NX

01925 755885
Further information

Head: Mrs Helen Graham

LEA: Warrington Borough Council

(admissions figures are fixed at September each year - they do not take into account leavers & joiners, which may substantially change class sizes)

September 2022 admissions

29 places were allocated from a PAN of 30. The school was not oversubscribed.

2022 lowest criterion allocated: Distance (4)

2022 furthest distance: less than 10 miles

Published Admission Number (PAN) is 30

September 2021 admissions

21 places were allocated from a target of 30. The school was not over subscribed.

Published Admission Number (PAN) is 30


OFSTED report (2010) Outstanding

Cherry Tree PTA page (on school website)

Associated nursery

Cherry Blossom Preschool (link to Facebook page) - St. Mary's pre-school merged with Cherry Tree Primary school during summer 2021.

The pre-school is located on school premises, with separate buildings and separate outdoor play area.


Cherry Tree has fantastic play facilities (with the pre-school in the background):

2021.05 Cherry Tree play area

Cherry Tree PTA helped fund an amazing running track around the school field:

2021.05 Cherry Tree running track

1 year 11 months ago